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tv   Click  BBC News  June 3, 2017 12:30pm-1:01pm BST

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against a team of five timers. the fireworks in whangarei were part of the build—up, they should have been easy for the tourists, johnny sexton missed a penalty before landing the first point of the tour. blunt in attack, they were brittle at the back, as the baa—baas looked more likely to roar. they fell short at their first attempt, but scored through maintenance engineer sam anderson had. and warren gatland's son, bryn added to the total. resistance was stubborn until owen farrell entered the fray. replacing sexton, he seized his chance to claim the fly—half position, setting up claim the fly—half position, setting up anthony watson for the try, which she then converted. you might have turned the game, but he couldn't add any polish to an overall poor performance. andy murray takes onjuan martin del
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potro today in the third round of the french open. murray are struggling in the opening set. juan martin del potro has been in real marathons with murray in the past. agnieszka radwa nska was agnieszka radwanska was well beaten by alize cornet in straight sets, 6-2, 6-1. the president of football's european governing body has told the bbc that britain deserves to host a world cup in the nearfuture. aleksander seferin says he hopes the tournament will be held in europe in 2030. they are absolutely capable of organising it from an organisational point of view, from an infrastructure point of view, but it is a decision not only from the fa but the government.
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but you know everything about british football. so they deserve to have a world cup in the near future. cardiff is hosting european club football's biggest night of the season — the champions league final. that is all the sport for now, now it is time for click. this week, swaying votes on facebook. it's geek versus geek as spen meets fry. and lots of people shout in a big tent. summer is on the way and, well, it wouldn't be a british summer
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without a visit to a good old—fashioned festival. no, not that one. much better. known as the town of books, hay—on—wye in wales is the location of the hay festival. it's a literary mecca, an annual gathering of artists, authors, daleks and, yep, even royals. it's even been called the woodstock of the mind by none other than former us president bill clinton. this year it's the 30th hay festival, and the line—up is pretty stellar. well, for the second year in a row, we've been invited to share some of our favourite experiences and show off some really good tech, all in front of a real, live audience of actual people. what could possibly go wrong?
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a packed tent waited, all that we had to do was wow them! applause we had robots falling over, experiments in haptic feedback and demos in binaural sound, but that was nothing compared to the climax — a click created wavy, shouty game built using artificial intelligence. more on that later in the show. in the meantime, it can't have have escaped your attention that around the uk things are getting a touch political. as the general election looms, those politicians are using increasingly sophisticated techniques in order to learn more about us. the advertising reach of facebook has long been an open secret, but now it's something the political parties are getting in on too. in fact, both the trump campaign and the groups credited facebook as being a vital part
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of their electioneering. we know that the personal details that you give to social networks allow them to send you relevant, targeted content, and it goes much deeper thanjust your basic demographics. there are now data analytics companies claiming to be able to micro—target and micro—tweak messages for individual readers, playing to their biases and fears. if you know the personality of the people you're targeting, you can nuance your messaging to resonate more effectively with those key audience groups. what's also emerging is that political parties have been using this data to reach potential voters on a very granular level. so who is being targeted on facebook and how? well, until now, there's been nothing around to analyse any of this, but the snap general election galvanised louis knight—webb and sam jeffers to develop who targets me, a plug—in to tell each of us how
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we're being targeted. when you install the plug—in for the first time, it asks for your age, your gender and your location, and then it starts scouring your facebook feed looking for adverts with a political message. so once you've installed the plug—in, it works in the background to extract the whole advert that you see on your newsfeed. so it pulls out the headline, the subtitle, any related videos, any images, any links. we also get the reaction — so how many likes, how many comments, how many shares — so we can see which messages are getting the most traction. are they particularly clandestine messages, are they slightly subversive, are they even fake news? but how do data companies get the information in the first place? a lot of the quizzes you fill out on facebook or, you know, you open a survey, it asks your facebook profile to connect to it. sometimes you'll notice that there's a lot of permissions attached and as soon as you click yes, all of your data is mined, and it's then sold on to data brokers who then, eventually,
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sell it to the political parties for use in their campaigns. although facebook says it doesn't sell our information on, data brokers can overlay any details they mine from the site with other datasets that they have on people based on their email addresses. the next step after that, of course, is to find similar users that are using facebook and then target adverts from that advertiser that supplied the email addresses to those users. why did you choose facebook? it was a really wide demographic. there are just some people that you don't find on twitter. the very nature of the fact that i can't see your adverts, you can't see my adverts means that this approach had to be applied to facebook. it's where the problem was. it's a first of its kind anywhere in the world on this scale, giving us citizens some transparency into what we're being shown, but how much can it really tell us? do you think that people wouldn't know
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that certain things are adverts if they weren't using your software? a lot of the time people are scrolling through facebook and the adverts fit into this weird intersection of friend endorsement and advertising. it's quite easy to miss the adverts on facebook. so far, who targets me has some 6,700 users in 620 constituencies, and it's rising as we near polling day. on the down side, it's only as good as the data it's managed to crowd—source, so it isn't necessarily representative, and it also doesn't work with mobile facebook, but the results are interesting. so we're seeing a mixture of two things. we're seeing, firstly, a/b testing, which is where i try out two different messages with the same group. i see which one gets the best reaction and then i pursue that message. we're also seeing targeting, which is where i pick a particular demographic of people, and then i send a message that's tailored to them. so, for example, it might be young people targeted with "register to vote".
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the data from who targets me is also being poured over by analysts at the london school of economics. one aspect of their research is collecting dark posts, ads which are here one day and gone the next. it gives us the ability to create a respository of those dark posts. so if promises are being made on facebook in ads which will disappear the day after you use them, we should be able to go back to those after the election, look at them, evaluate them and maybe discuss them in the cold light of day. and the irony is that, as we demand more transparency from public bodies, the whole basis of political propaganda could be on the brink of a revolutionary change. what's interesting, i think, about the new environment is the potentialfor using paid advertising and other techniques to create individual propaganda bubbles around individual voters. and that's not about controlling the market as a whole, but it's about using
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smart targetting which, in a sense, creates such a compelling and overarching information environment for individual people that that in some ways constrains what they do and controls what they do. i think that's why some academic commentators and others are beginning to think some of this is a bit spooky. but politicians aren't the only ones with facebook on their minds. the social network was one of many topics on the very large brain of national treasure and tech geek stephen fry. i met up with him after he gave a lecture at the hay festival highlighting how he thinks the world is being changed by social media, ai and automation. the very current conversation is whether facebook and platforms like them should actually be considered publishers, should they take responsibility for what ends up on the site? they are aware there is a problem, a serious problem. if 80%, some people have said, is the... you know, proportion of people
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who get their news from facebook rather than from mainstream media, then surely it is incumbent upon someone who is providing 80% of their news sources to make sure that those news sources are not defamatory, blatant lies, propaganda, the wrong kind of, you know, insulting... i would posit there that a publisher is responsible for all the people that generate the content. yeah. they are employed by that publisher and facebook is clearly not that. yeah. so do we need a third definition, a third thing? exactly. i think there is a medium sort of definition that it's not beyond the wit of lawyers of the right kind to find that. everyone knows you are a famous early adopter. you seem to try everything that comes out? well, yeah, i'm perpetually driven by curiosity. it may even be a kind of addictive greed, which is a sort of rather graver example of the consumer greed that we all share, really. maybe i'm just more of a jackdaw,
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who likes shiny things and ijust... i still lust for them, i still love the unboxing. i still love the, you know, the first kind of... i get short of breath, and i pant slightly. your presentation was a warning that people should prepare for the changes that are coming, for example, artificial intelligence and automation. i said that it was a sort of transformation of the workplace rather than... you know, it's an obsolescence of certain types ofjob, but that doesn't mean forced redundancy of millions of workers. i mentioned one of the pleasing things about al and robotics, and that is what's known as moravec‘s paradox, which that what we're incredibly bad at, as individuals, machines tend to be very good at. complicated sums, rapid and incredible access of memory from a database of a kind that we could never do, sorting and swapping of information and cataloguing and things like that. but things we can do without even thinking, like walk across the room or pick up a glass and have a sip of water,
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machines are hopeless at that. but that's fine, because we don't want them to do that for us. where it gets difficult is in medium sort of service jobs, i think. stephen fry, what is intelligence? well, you could go the etymological route, and you could say it is a means to read into. legere is read and inter, and that's pretty good, actually, reading into things. in other words, pattern recognition. just being able to see connections in things, and people are talking about the moment that we arrive at agi, artificial general intelligence, and that's when the various types of pattern recognition, you know, numbers, data, you know, certain faces and things like that, they all come together so that they can be intelligent across these different things. if you've got an artificial intelligence that's good at that and another one that's good at that and you get enough of them, and then you put something on top that goes, "oh, you want to know about a language problem,
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i'll dial up that one." "you want to know about walking and recognising objects, i'll dial up that one." surely, just a collection of specialists of intelligences under one umbrella is a generals intelligence. it doesn't have to be a breakthrough, itjust has to be a collection of specialists. yes. i think you're very right, spencer. i think that's very likely to be the way it goes. part of our intelligence, a huge part, is our emotional intelligence. einstein would say he did say the same thing. it's notjust the cerebral power, it is something to do with our blends of fury, inquisitive desire, impatience, curiosity. these are very, very much more primal and much harder to reduce to a table of calculations and memories. but maybe you give it something else, some other kind of instinct to do things. its reward is similar to our reward system, which is really chemical, isn't it? it's tryptophan and serotonin and endorphins of various kinds that reward us and then we have a pain system to deter us, and there's nothing to stop us giving that to a machine. stephen, thank you so much for your time.
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such a pleasure. thank you for having us at your place. and keep clicking, i love it. thank you. thank you. welcome to the week in tech. it was the week where android creator andy rubin launched his own smartphone. co—founder of google larry page had a couple of novices take his kitty hawk flyer for a spin. and intel popped swing—sensing chips into bats for the icc champions cup. now, whenever you go into a church you expect to see a man of god or a woman of god, but not a robot of god! a protestant church in germany has unveiled a robotic priest, called blessu—2, to mark 500 years since the reaffirmation. the machine delivers various blessings in eight languages. researchers at mit have come up with a unique way to let the visually impaired know more about what's around them. a 3d camera recognises stuff
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and feeds that detail back using vibrations through a belt and an electronic braille interface. microsoft showed off a range of mixed reality headsets, they're designed to blend the real world and virtual content into one where physical and digitally created objects co—exist and interact. more on augmented reality in a tick. google maps now doesn'tjust take you to your destination, it offers you a guided tour of it. click on an art museum and take a peek around with each artwork displayed with the gallery's notations, plus extra links to find out more. now, as you've just been hearing, microsoft may be leading the way in mixed or augmented reality, but they're not the only company that's trying to make you see things that aren't really there. i'm at the augmented world expo, which has doubled in size since last
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year, a sign of the excitement this relatively new technology is generating. you can actually reach out. so i can grab that? yes, and then pull it out. pull it out. oh, i've got it. there you go. oh, wow! now you have a hologram in front you. now there's like a big brain... yes, and when you open your fist... what do i do with the brain? when you open yourfist, you release it and then you can look at it. the brain is free. yes. now you can stick your hand beside it. oh. close your fist again. now you move it around. place it anywhere in space, anywhere you want. anywhere i want. yep. i'm going to put it on top of cody's head, behind the camera. there we go. yeah. i feel like this is going to strain my eyes if i use it for any serious length of time, more than, say, 30 minutes. funny that you say that, we have a team of neuroscientists on staff who actually do user testing with us. we're confirming with our neuroscientists team that it does not cause any eye strain or neck pain or anything when you get used to it.
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it takes you about a day. the problem with all of these devices is that most of them require expensive new gadgets, like these $799 glasses or big bulky devices that soon become uncomfortable to wear. but i did find one idea that i think could genuinely make many people's lives easier. project chalk is an app that uses augmented reality to let you remotely help someone use a gadget or fix an object. so next time your parents ring, you can show them what to do, not just tell them. push this button right here. ok, i can see itjust here. 0k. you can see the clever thing about this app is that, even if i move around the machine, we still have the instructions overlaid in the same place, which means it can be much more precise than if it was just drawn on a normal screen. project chalk‘s designed to work on all types of devices — phones, tablets and what we call digital eyewear, which you can also think of those as ar glasses. so this will be available on a free basis which means anyone will be able to start by downloading it
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from the app store and using some level for free. but once people have to pay, do you think they'll go back to just using skype orjust talking on the phone to get these things solved? if they do, we've failed. that was dave lee. now last week, the world's best player in the chinese board game go was pretty soundly beaten by google's artificial intelligence, alphago. for those following the rapid development of ai, the result wasn't exactly a surprise. 20 years ago, however, a victory of machine over man shocked the world, prompting apocalyptic warnings about our own role in society and questions about whether humanity could survive in a world where we could be outthought by computer. the man at the centre of that match was chess grandmaster garry kasparov. the machine was ibm's
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supercomputer deep blue. you talk about the fact that it took you quite a long time to get over that defeat in that chess game. that's true. can you explain why it took that long and how you eventually did get over it? it was my first loss, and losing this match, that was a big shock. i mean, i knew i made mistakes, and i didn't play well, and i could kick myself in my head for not preparing well for the match. since then, you've become an advocate of ai. at the end of the day, the future's a self—fulfilling prophecy. so if we're negative, something wrong will happen. i'm not telling you that if we're positive we can avoid it, but at least we have a chance to turn it into an adventure. since it's happening anyway, i could see what's happening in the game of chess, i have been looking for ways and means to make it our partner. i believe that there's so many things we can do, and when people say, "we don't know what's going to happen next," fantastic, that's exactly the reason for us
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to move there because we don't know, that was one of the main driving forces in the history of humanity. the alphago software that's just won the match with go works in a very different way, which is teaching itself the rules. how do you feel about that kind of ai? is that the way that al should go, learn about the rules of the world? one should say that deep blue was anything but intelligent. it was as intelligent as your alarm clock. very expensive alarm clock, $10 million alarm clock, but still an alarm clock. very powerful, brute force, with little chess knowledge, but chess proved to be vulnerable to this brute force — it could be crunched. but with 200 million positions per second, that's roughly the average speed of deep blue, it showed very little intelligence. so it gave us almost no insight into the mysteries of human intelligence. alphago is different because it's a self—teaching programme, and if we're looking for al definition,
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it's still hard to really understand whether alphago is al because now we're moving probably from science to philosophy. so we still don't understand exactly what human intelligence is. what do you think are the grand challenges for artificial intelligence? what are the things that maybe aren't being talked about enough or that people don't think about enough when it comes to accepting and implementing artificial intelligence? one thing that's important to remember that everything that we do and we know how to do, machines will do better eventually. everything? everything we do and we know how we do. but there's so many things that we don't know how we do. let's concentrate on that, because machines have algorithms and they're getting better and better, but machines have no curiosity, no passion and, most importantly, machines don't have purpose. maybe the good thing is that so we know we have purpose,
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but we don't know exactly what the purpose is. so that guarantees that we'll stay around for quite a while. that was garry kasparov. now, it's time for artificial intelligence to be put to a slightly less noble task. for click‘s show at this year's hay festival, we challenged click code monkey stephen beckett to create a game that the entire audience could play. stephen has created this game. we're going to split the audience in two now, right down there. this half is going to play against this half. could this half say, hey? hey! could this half say why? why! so this is the game. our teams have to be the last one to fall off this plank, whether they do that by canny balancing or more boisterous butting is up to them. they're in two teams and by each moving their arms left and right, they can altogether control
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where their player goes. and there's one more surprise feature, by shouting out special key words they can make their player get bigger and therefore heavier. so that's the rules of the game, but how can it see what you're doing and hear what you're saying? behind the scenes, it's running in a game engine called unity. you can download this for free, and it's a great way to get started if you want to make games yourself. there's a massive community out there offering free tutorials, tips and advice. i've shared a few of my favourites over on twitter. unity is looking after the graphics and rules of the game, and it's also hooked into ibm's artificially intelligent watson system, which is turning the speech from the audience into text that the computer can understand. watson runs in the cloud, so my little laptop can have the smarts of a supercomputer just using a wi—fi connection. if you've ever used a speech recognition service like siri, alexa or google, you'll know that sometimes they can be a bit hit—and—miss. ibm's watson is no exception,
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things like background noise and music can throw it off, leading to some unexpected suggestions. but to make the game more fun, i've set it up to also look for the most commonly misheard words. so words like say, stay and may will also count as a shout for hey. despite this, i didn't anticipate just how loud our click audience could be. shouting. they're so loud, in fact, that the voice recognition struggled to hear all the words, so there wasn't quite as much growing as i'd have liked. so that's the voice, but how do we work out where people's arms are? well, we're using the openframeworks and opencv libraries. these are two beefy bits of software to help you build creative coding projects like this. openframeworks is more complicated than unity, but there are lots of great guides out there if you already have some programming experience. this programme takes the feed from our cameras, looks for edges and then tries to find lines by connecting the dots. so if you move your arm left or right,
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that counts as a vote for that direction. and that is all it takes to get 300 people in a tent in a field doing this. give yourself a huge round of applause! yeah, never a dull moment when you put us in a tent. that's it from us for the hay festival for this year. hopefully, we didn't break too much and they'll have us back again next year. in the meantime, why don't you follow us on facebook for loads of extra content and of course on twitter too @bbcclick. thanks for watching and, one more time — hey, why. hey, why. hello there. we've swept away a lot of warmth and humidity of the last few days.
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a slightly cooler, fresher feel this weekend, but that does not mean there is no sunshine. a lot of blue sky and sunshine around, but don't be fooled — depending on where you are in the country there could be some hefty showers at times through the day and tomorrow. the heaviest showers through the afternoon will be in northern ireland and scotland, the odd rumble of thunder in england and wales and the south—west. towards the south—east, it should probably stay dry. a closer look at four o'clock this afternoon. heavy, slow—moving downpours across scotland with sunny spells, showers easing at this stage across northern ireland, but i cannot promise a completely dry afternoon, by any means. a few showers trickling into northern england, dry and sunny weather here. the best of the sunny spells in the south east, lifting temperatures to 2! or 22 degrees. but cooler and fresher than it has been here, showers hit and miss, tending to clear eastwards by the time we get to the evening. in cardiff for the champions league
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final, it should be dry with sunny skies to start the game, but by the end, feeling a little cool. it is going to be a cool night for just about all of us. not desperately cold, largely dry with showers fading away. these are the minimum temperatures in towns and cities, take off a few degrees in the countryside. more of the same, sunny spells, showers, more so than today across northern england, especially in the morning. northern ireland and scotland, more than your fair share of showers, a lot of heavy downpours here. some rain away from these areas, sunny spells and highs of 20 degrees. a change into the start of the new week. areas of low pressure and frontal systems will be swarming out west, starting to move in across the country. monday brings a band of heavy rain, strong winds in places. some showery weather with sunny spells following behind, 15—20 degrees.
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as we get deeper into the week, it remains unsettled, spells of rain at times and some sunny spells, temperatures a little lower than they have been over the last few days. hello and good afternoon. theresa may has insisted that conservative party policy on income tax has not changed. one of her senior cabinet colleagues had suggested that the tax would not go up even for higher earners. the tory manifesto does not include a promise on income tax, but in a newspaper interview, the defence secretary, sir michael fallon, said the only way people could be sure of not paying more tax was to vote conservative. our political correspondent leila nathoo reports. the last push to win over undecided voters and shore up support among the tory base. theresa
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